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How Do I Become A Christian?

     Becoming a Christian is not about "joining" anything, neither is it about a religion.  Being a Christian is about entering into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and knowing Him as your Lord and Savior.  The Bible uses different terms to describe this: being "born again", "delivered", or "saved" all refer to God's work that brings us into this relationship.

Why do I need to be saved?

The Bible teaches us that we are all sinners. (Romans 3:23) Sin is missing the mark that God has set for us to be declared righteous by Him.  Because we are born in sin, no one is able to live a perfect life and our sins have seperated us from God.  The penalty for this sin is death. (Romans 5:12, 6:23)

Can I save myself?

We do not have the ability to save ourselves.  We cannot make ourselves righteous in the sight of God.  Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay the penalty of our sins.  There is nothing we can add to what He did. (Acts 4:12, Ephesians 2:8-9)

Can anyone be saved?

Absolutely.  There is not one person that God does not want to save. (II Peter 3:9) God loves the world so much that He was willing to send Jesus, His only begotten son, to die for our sins.  Anyone who wants to be saved, can be saved. (John 3:16)

What do I have to do to be saved?

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. (Acts 16:31) Believing on Jesus involves two things that are inseparably tied together.  The first of these is repentance.

Repentance is changing your mind about your sin and God.  It is more than just admitting that you are a sinner, it is an         awareness that your sinfulness is offensive to God.  It is basically agreeing with God about your sin. (Mark 6:12, I John 1:9)

The second part of believing involves faith.  It is more than just believing in the existence of God, we must also believe that Jesus is Lord, that He died for our sins and that three days later was miraculously raised from the dead. (Romans 10:9,10)

How do I get saved?

Call on the Lord and ask Him. (Romans 10:13)  It's that simple.  You can express your faith to Him in your own words, or you may choose to pray something similar to this prayer.

Jesus, I know that i am a sinner.  I know that I am in need of your mercy and forgiveness.  I believe that you are God's Son,  that you died for my sins and that you rose from the dead to live forever.  I believe that your blood alone atones for my sin and  I ask you to forgive my sins.  I confess you as my Savior and Lord.  Thank you for your gift of salvation.  Amen.

I asked Jesus to save me, what now?

Congratulations!  You took God at His Word and you are now His child.  (John 1:12) You will want to grow in your relationship with God.  Here are some things that will help you.

1. You should follow the Lord in baptism.  Being baptized is a way of publicly professing your faith in Jesus Christ and identifying with Him. (Matthew 28:18-20)

2. Attend a church that believes the Bible.  A church is more than a building, it is a familly of fellow believers that worship together, serve together and encourage each other to grow in their faith. (Hebrews 10:23)

3. Read your Bible.  It is the basis of our faith and will teach you about the ways of God.  You can read it with confidence that you are hearing from God. (I Peter 2:1-3, II Timothy 3:16)

We would love to help you in your walk with the Lord.  If we can pray with you, answer any questions you may have or just celebrate your decision with you, please feel free to contact us through the information on this website.


© First Baptist Camilla | 27 E Broad Street/PO Box 414 | Camilla , Georgia 31730 | PH: (229) 336-0271 | FAX: (229) 336-2734